The most important thing I believe is this as an exact range showcase n pivotal career making role for lakeith, who convincingly acts out a complex of bruising man w underlying vulnerability, thx both for maintaining the aura flawlessly right from the first two eps, bringing out this suddenly, swiftly, madly acting even though it's so f easy to sli
我以为一刀仙最后杀死的三个人代表了不同的主义好妹爹-现实主义;铁匠大伯-理想主义; 疯酒鬼-超现实主义;三个代表最终倒在了霸权专制代表一刀仙脚下l模东哥(苏玛丽)po最终孩哥的国际共产主义“要创造人类地幸福全靠我们自己”战胜了一刀仙带领好妹奔向光明自由的未来
This film felt unfinished and could have done more. Chloe delivered a strong performance and she actually pulled the hard role off nicely. I also like the cinamatograph in the general of the movie, especially about the last morning they have breakfast together where daylights are superb. I just wish the film had a more resolute ending.